Sunday, June 20, 2010


I think it's about time to deep fry something. My passion for Tim Horton's selection definitely made me dream of the day of deep frying my very own dough. You want them soft and light. I recommend using the modified amount of yeast below, to really make sure they double in size. You don't want them to end up as dense, although the deep frying makes them triple.

What you need (adapted from
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 packets of dry yeast (5 teaspoons)
  • bit of salt
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • lots of vegetable oil for deep frying
1. Warm milk, dissolve sugar in it, and dry yeast.

2. In a different bowl, combine dry ingredients.

3. Slowly add liquid to dry ingredients and knead dough.

4. Let rise for an hour.

5. Roll out and poke out using cups or anything you can find really. If you want some jam in those berliners, don't poke out the middle and just squeeze in some jam later with a cooking syringe.

6. Deep fry in 2 inches of vegetable oil until gold brown.

7. Let dry on roast. Glaze with molten chocolate or sprinkle with powdered sugar. Add a bit of oil to chocolate for that nice reflective glaze that shines when reflecting the flash.

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